Training Methods To Help Employees Embrace New Company Technology

For your business to be competitive, keep up with the fast-paced operation, and leverage with your competitors, it’s about time to upgrade or completely replace your system from traditional and manual methods to automatic and real-time applications or software. But, will your employees be able to adapt to these changes? There’s a considerable challenge that business owners face, most especially in choosing the right strategies and approach when it comes to learning online and IT systems. So, we want to bring you the best training methods you can employ to help your employees embrace your new company technology.

1. Online Tutorials

If you don’t have time to train your staff personaly, you can hire professionals online or ask your employees to undergo online tutorials. There are tons of online resources that are free and fee-based depending on the technology you want your staff to learn. Here’s how to make use of online tutorials:

  • Hire a specialist from the software provider to train your staff. Some may offer it for free!
  • Provide helpful links to your employees via email so they can review them on their free time or during a paid training session
  • Set 30-minute online tutorial sessions every week until the date of launching
  • Use social media to introduce a new concept (e.g., marketing or sales strategy)

2. Knowledge and Skill Assessment Orientation Training

First and foremost, you have to gauge the level of proficiency of your employees when it comes to computer operations. tutorial sessions, many have basic skills in computer programs such as Microsoft and are knowledgeable about computer software operations, such as those offered by computer services in Chester County PA. However, some would need are fresher course, most especially less tech-savvy employees. When it is your first time to switch from a traditional or manual business operation involving pen and paper to one using advanced or specialized software applications like Asana for task management, some extra training may go a long way. Here are some recommended topics and training methods to assess the skills of your employees:

  • Training and seminar for basic computer programs and applications
  • Timed computer skills assessment (1to 2 hours)
  • Timed new system specific task testing (e.g., how to file PTO or leave using the new system, how to submit a request on the actual system)

3. E-Learning Modules

One of the most effective methods to get your employees acquainted with the new technology is through electronic learning. E-learning modules show how a new system is used, discusses its benefits, and provides a basic or step-by-step guide to accomplish a specific task. You can create online-based learning modules through incorporating text, images, and videos to let your employees do self-study on their free time, at home, or in the office. Doing so will allow learning based on their own pace without pressure. You can also create-learning modules with a quiz or questionnaire at the end of each course to assess their understanding.

If you choose to dedicate 1 or 2 hours a day to train your staff, this is generally better so that you can supervise them directly. The good thing about-learning is you can use a training environment that mimics the actual new software or technology you will be using which avoids inputting mistakes in the real system. You can obtain a training environment for training purposes from your software provider, which includes training username and password. Here are some topic examples for e-learning:

  • Introduction to Our Company’s new accounting Software (20 multiple choice questions involved at the end of the module)
  • Step-by-step Guide to Filing PTO and sick Leaves on Deltek (Hands-on training using Deltek’s training account)
  • How to Use Canva to Make Infographics (Hands-on training using employees’ Canva real accounts)

4. E-Book Reading Training Session

Electronic books are helpful nowadays because your staff doesn’t need to carry bulky books to learn the new technology you want them to embrace. E-books come in different topics, and you can purchase them online or upload one for your company useonly.

5. Virtual Meeting and Training

A virtual meeting utilizes video conferencing and other web tools for long-distance or multiple locations. Even if the board has already decided on new technology, it is still important to have open communication with your employees. Talk to your staff and be open about asking any questions or raising any concerns. A fun way to do it is through a virtual meeting using gadgets and new devices like tablets and smartphones! This strategy will ease the worries associated with the new changes coming your way.


Changeis good if it is for the best interest of the business and your employees. By using the right approach and training method, they’ll be able to accept and adapt to the new changes and eventually get used to it, realize its benefits,and embrace it!

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik Technology geek by heart, blogger by passion, and founder of, He regularly explores ideas and ways how advanced technology helps individuals, brands and businesses survive and thrive in this competitive landscape. He tends to share the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the community built around Nogentech.

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