Pro Tips For Writing Clever Text Ads

When you are about to write text ads for your very next AdWords campaign, you have to be creative in your ideas in order to stand out from the other 9 competitors that Google is showing on its first page.
It is said by marketing experts that it could be tremendously difficult for you to try and sell your services or products in just a couple lines of text because you are limited for space in this medium and you’ve got to make each and every word of your text ads count in order to make it a clever text ads that bring more views to your website.
That is the reason; we have compiled these pro tips for writing clever text ads that will make sure that you are talented to write the most effective and marketable text ads for your marketing campaign.
This piece of creative writing will work as the quick guide to writing successful expanded text ads but you must go through the whole article in order to get better outcomes.
Add Your Most Important Message in the Headlines
In order to write a clever text ad that grabs the attention of your audience, you have to add your most important message in the ad headline.
Since you are getting a new 80-character description in your new expanded text ads, you must make it attractive enough to grab the attention of your audience to take them to your business website for more details.
Highlight What Makes You Different from Competitors
Making small yet beneficial key differences in your text ads that help your brand to stand out from the competitors is a great idea to make your text ads clever and effective as well.
You must highlight the things in your expanded text ads that make you different, and it could be unique menu contents or an official recognition, so if you have something different, then let your customers know about it via your text ad.
Get the Story Directly From the Client
If you are doing it for your clients, then getting the story from the client’s own words can give you a creative idea to put clever text ads together in a great way.
There is no alternative to getting the story via your client’s words because it can give you the most accurate and complete description of the product or service they want to market and sell.
Optimize Your Text Ads for all Devices
Nowadays, it is most important for every marketer that an advertisement or text ad must be made in a way that can speak to all users using different devices such as desktop, mobile or tablet PC etc.
That is the reason you must optimize your text ads for all devices in order to get better ROI from your expanded text ads.
Include Exclusive Deals to Get More
Everyone always loves to get something free or at lower rates that no one is offering. So, try to include exclusive deals and offers in your text ads to get more.
If your company has discounted products or services to offer, you must include them in your ads in order to noticeably boost your sales because people love discounts and free offers.
Include Product and Service Benefits in Ads
Tell your customers that what makes your product or service awesome and it is only possible by telling them the unique benefits of your products or services.
As you are limited in-text ads, be concise and describe product benefits creatively, even without using lots of words.
Feel free to add product benefits to your ad when they are most relevant to your customers by Writing Clever Text Ads.
Use relevant keywords
By adding your relevant keywords in the text ads, you can get more hits based on keywords that customers are searching to find desired products.
Always be sure to use up to three keywords in your ads that will be sure to grab the attention of
customers when they search the web.
Include a Call to Action
Text ads created with a call to action provide more benefits to marketers. “Buy now,” “View now,” and “Shop Now” are the most commonly used calls to action that attract more customers.
Make sure to add the most relevant landing page in the link to take your customers for a ride that will influence them to buy something from you.