Long Tail Keywords – How to Find Long Tail Keywords with AHREFS to Get Rank Higher

Long Tail Keywords for High Ranks

Everyone wants to rank higher in search engines for keywords like’ digital Marketing’, ‘Blogging Tips’, and ‘SEO’, etc. But it is not easy, especially if a blog or website is fresh.

Hence, the dream of getting more targeted traffic and higher rank in search engine results pages can come true by using long tail keywords wisely.

For this purpose, you may need to spend quality time on keyword research because the benefits of keyword research for SEO are myriad.

Not only beginner bloggers & webmasters, but SEO experts also use these keywords to improve ranks for their websites and blogs. And if you don’t have an idea about how to find Long tail keywords for SEO, then you have landed on the right webpage.

In this article, I have explained long tail keywords, and how to find and use them effectively in content to secure visible positions in SERPs.

What are Long Tail Keywords?

More specific and longer keywords or phrases are known as long tail keywords. Internet users normally use such keywords when they are on the go to purchase something or when they are searching for the required stuff via voice search.

These keywords are used by businesses and brands to target specific audiences rather than targeting the mass audience. Bloggers and digital marketing experts also use these keywords to improve reputation in search engines in order to rank their short tail keywords as well.

Benefits of Long Tail Keywords for SEO

Below are the benefits that long tail keywords offer to bloggers and webmasters for improving search engine ranks.

1- Little To No Difficulty to Rank

There will be no need to beat the giant players of the game in order to rank your keywords, as long-tail keywords always come with little to no difficulty in ranking in search engines. Even if you have creatively and wisely used the long tail keywords in your quality content, it will rank higher automatically without building backlinks.

You will just need to create SEO optimized content and nothing else. However, you should choose the keywords with high search volume and low difficulty to get better outcomes.

2- Highly Targeted traffic

If you are seeking clients and customers for your local business or company, then the use of the long tail keywords in your digital marketing strategy would be a great way to get highly targeted traffic.

By doing so, you will be able to successfully convert visitors into customers by offering them the best products and services according to their needs. Knowing the user intent before creating content for long tail keywords can help you secure more conversions.

3- Increases Conversion Rate

As these keywords are more specific and longer than others, the chances of converting website visitors into customers are always higher.

For example, if you are running a computer repair business or company in Baltimore, then using the keyword ‘best computer repair services in Baltimore’ will bring more visitors who will surely avail your services to get their computer-related issues resolved quickly.

A visitor who landed on your website will just need a bit more details and information before placing an order, and in this way, you will enjoy more sales and leads as well.

How to Choose the Right Long Tail Keywords?

Below are a few things to consider before jumping into any long tail keyword to get more traffic and a high rank in search engines:

  1. Keyword with 4 or more words: The keyword should be at least four words longer to perform well in search results. The longer and specific the long tail keyword is, the more clicks you will get on your link.
  2. Keyword describing your service or product: A long tail keyword with a specific feature or benefit of your product or service can bring more specific and target traffic that will be easier to convert.
  3. Keyword with Low Difficulty: To secure high ranks easily, always make sure you are targeting a keyword with low difficulty score. A keyword with low difficulty is always easier to rank than a keyword with high difficulty.

How to Find Long Tail Keywords With Ahrefs?

Since there are a lot of keyword research tool for SEO available on the web, AHREFS is my favorite long tail keywords tool. You can not only find the best performing keywords with Ahrefs but also find out the keywords that your competitors are using to gain more targeted traffic.

Here is how you can use Ahrefs for long tail content keywords of your competitors within moments;

1- Just log in to your Ahrefs account and then go to ‘Site Explorer’.

Ahrefs Site Explorer

2- Put the competitor’s URL in the search bar and hit the search button to find the site metrics.

3- Once all site metrics appear, then click on the organic keywords section in order to find the list of competitors’ long tail keywords Ahrefs.

list of competitors’ keywords

4- After doing so, apply the following filters to get the best performing and easy to rank long tail keywords for your own content creation strategy.

Position: 1-10

Volume 500- Max

KD (keyword difficulty): 1-20

Lon tail keywords ahrefs

5- In the results, you will get a list of best-performing long tail keywords that can be used to create the best, most engaging and user-friendly content to get high search engine ranks.

Here are some long tail keywords examples across different niches:

How To Apply Long Tail Keywords While Creating Content?

When writing content, you should creatively use your keywords in the article in order to prevent any penalty or punishment from search engines. Always use the keyword where fits naturally and avoid insertion of the keyword forcefully. In this way, you will be able to engage readers more effectively.

Use of the variations of your keyword is also the best way to appear in more search results. You can keep a fertile balance in keyword density by using LSI (Latent Semantic Index) keywords while creating quality web content.

Where to Use Long Tail Keywords in On-page Optimization?

Creative and wise use of the long tail keywords in your on-page SEO strategy plays a vital role in getting visible positions in search engine results. Always use your keyword

  • In the first paragraph (100 words) of your piece of writing
  • In H2 heading
  • In subheadings (LSI Variation)
  • Also, in the ending paragraph of the article
  • Also, make use of the keyword variations all over the article to get better outcomes

To Sum Up

Wise use of Ahrefs long tail keywords is the best way to drive more targeted traffic to your website or online store. However, you should find most relevant keywords with high search volume to drive traffic and turn those visitors into leads.

As we use Ahrefs for our SEO projects, I have mentioned the complete procedure of finding long-tail keywords using this tool.

Noman Sarwar

Noman Sarwar is a creative content writer with 10+ years of experience in the field. He started as a writer and now leading the team Nogentech as a creative director. He usually writes about digital marketing, SEO, blogging and technology updates.

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One Comment

  1. Hi Noman,
    Keyword research plays a crucial roll in SEO and content optimization, which will help increase your Google rankings. With the right keywords in strategic area of your copy, you can rank your content high on search engine with little effort. That is why performing keyword research is important to your SEO campaign. Shreds is a great SEO tool,I just began using very recently. I have been using SEMrush keyword tool. I would recommend either of the two to anyone.

    Thanks for sharing.

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