Internet of Things and how it impacts our lives in 2 simple ways

The Internet of Things has an immense prospect for growth and is expected to determine the quality of lifestyle in the years to come. And it won’t be wrong to say that eventually, that is how things are taking shape.

The impact of IoT on daily life can be better explained and exemplified with the help of the following two instances (or rather digital devices) and how they influence the general well-being on a day to day basis. The pros and cons, and essential aspects of these devices have been discussed in brief in the paragraphs that follow.

Most importantly, it deals with the security of your loved ones. Thanks to ever changing technology that has made this possible so, read on for better insight. The write up will deal with the following two security devices-

  • Bitdefender BOX
  • Bitdefender Home Scanner

Bitdefender BOX

Studies have revealed that the majority of the Internet of Things devices are susceptible to attacks. As such every possible effort is being made to protect these devices from virtual attacks. And one such device that ensures protection is undoubtedly the Bitdefender BOX. Given below are the finer aspects of the same-

  • The device is basically of “network attached peripheral” type.
  • The so called BOX scans in real-time. Your data and traffic are usually scanned by the device
  • It creates a shield between the different appliances and the entire internet network so that these devices cannot be penetrated or security breached
  • The BOX is powered by a single core 400MHz MIPS microprocessor,
  • It has 16MB Flash Memory
  • Is equipped with 64MB DDR2 RAM
  • It supports 802.11n Wi-Fi
  • It measures 3.5 by 3.5 inches
  • It is a router with a firewall that is basically built-in
  • Most importantly, the BOX will safeguard those devices that do not have the ability to protect themselves from attacks.

Function –

This security BOX will check any traffic that comes in and in the event, it finds anything that raises doubts it will keep it at bay or redirect you to a safer environment where diagnostic repairs can be made. Having said about the BOX, the only drawback is that the cost is on the higher side.

Bitdefender Home Scanner

These days you will find that your home network is not just restricted to a personal computer or laptop but there are several other devices that are connected and including notebooks, smartphones, and tablets. These handheld devices allow you to work from the comfort of your home. And interestingly, regardless of the devices and their numbers, they all are connected to one network.

Not only that, it also means that the individual devices are connected. Such an arrangement is ideal for any hacker to retrieve data. However, if you have the Bitdefender Home Scanner at your disposal, you can keep these threats at bay. More about this security device is mentioned below-

  • Once installed, the security device checks the wireless network and the devices connected to the network
  • Aside from the above, it also identifies the type of devices that are connected. The ones that are vulnerable are “flagged” by the Bitdefender Home Scanner
  • If it detects devices that are vulnerable, it also makes adequate arrangements to reduce the vulnerability.
  • Most importantly, if it detects that a new device has just been connected to the network devices, the same is reported promptly.
  • Although this security device does the crucial task of reporting vulnerabilities and new devices that connect to the network, the solutions that it offers may not be adequate always. In fact, it offers more or less “umbrella” solutions to fix vulnerabilities and not just customized methods to fix problems.

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik Technology geek by heart, blogger by passion, and founder of, He regularly explores ideas and ways how advanced technology helps individuals, brands and businesses survive and thrive in this competitive landscape. He tends to share the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the community built around Nogentech.

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