Instagram vs. Snapchat- Which one is Better?

In the modern era, social media has revolutionized the world. It is hard to look for a person who is not using social media platforms. Kids and teenagers are successively using these platforms but the numbers are increasing on daily bases.
Instagram has over 1.393 billion active users. 70% of them watch stories and 86.6% post stories. On the other hand, Hootsuite published that Snapchat has approximately more than 319 million active users. Snapchat users are relatively younger as they are increasing every year. Accordingly, Instagram and Snapchat engage more than 687 million active users daily. Both of them have a massive amount of audience that helps you to advertise and grow your business.
Instagram Snapchat Relation
Multiple platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and Twitter provide features like, comments, live feeds, reels, stories, etc. Instagram and Snapchat are undoubtedly the most well-known social media platforms when you compare them with others. Their primary focus is projected on both sharing images and visualized content. They overlap in many features, components, and functions. It is not easy to find different elements that make one better.
Instagram Snapchat Difference
You will see how Instagram and Snapchat react when working on multiple features. With the change in a user interface, you are going to determine what is best for you:

Instagram comes up big when you talk about audience and daily active users. 1.074 billion people visit Instagram daily, and the numbers are three times greater when compared with the Snapchat audience, which is 530 million people visiting daily. In any case, the amount is not the main thing that matters. 45% of Snapchat users are between 18-24, giving almost 1 hour a day on Snapchat. While on the other hand, people are much older when you talk about Instagram. 59% of users using Instagram are aged 18-29, and 33% of users are between 30-49.
Suppose you are determined and you want make awareness of your business by reaching out to more audience. There is not a much better platform like Instagram as it is an everlasting fit for any brand.
Winner: Instagram
If you want to see someone’s account on Instagram, click on the profile to see the story. You can come out of it by clicking out. Otherwise, it will transfer you to the next story if you click on the right side of the screen. It is the feature that will keep you in the stories feature for more time. ‘Stories’ is the feature where Instagram Snapchat relates with each other. Snapchat allows you to select the length of time an individual can see the image and video, while Instagram does not.
Snapchat stories are different as they allow you to select which story you want to see. The audience is asked if they wish to see the next person’s story or not. You can choose the skip option without opening it. It is not ideal for your business because it makes you more selective.
Instagram stories are more interesting as it appears on the top of the screen. People like to see stories first to stay updated because it is more appealing. Then they come to the scrolling position. The platform will inform the creator that these people have seen your story. Instagram stories have an estimated 28% view rate than Snapchat stories.
Instagram is on the winner side as it benefits your business more than Snapchat.
Winner: Instagram
Content Posting
Snapchat provides you with the opportunity to send snaps to every member that you have selected. You can share a story to share them with your followers. It can contain photos and videos that you can edit before sending. Multiple editing options like texting, stickers, Bitmojis, filters and a vast number of lenses can be explored. Snaps are clicked using smartphones and are not committed to looking like professional shots. Snapchat users prefer occasional snaps, whether from a person or a brand. The main feature is that the snap can be seen only one time. The story that contains content also disappears after 24 hours.
It is to be noted that Instagram allows you to post single or multiple photos. You can also post videos that should be minute-long. The stories you post on Instagram are similar to those on Snapchat, as they disappear after 24 hours. You can also go live on Instagram, where you can add multiple people. There have limited filters, but they are trendy. You can tag numerous persons and insert various clickable hashtags.
Instagram Snapchat both have this feature, but if you have a more energetic voice, then Snapchat editing elements would be more suitable for you. To beauty your content and use multiple features may cost you more time. Snapchat can also help you edit your content easily and quickly if you post a casual post.
Winner: Snapchat

When you are engaging with people, Snapchat is more personal. You can send a text to any user directly, and they can text you back. The message will disappear depending on the privacy. Whether the text will disappear after someone looks at it or will disappear after 24 hours. You will get informed if someone takes a screenshot of your text or if someone reacts to it. That is the main feature that has made Snapchat more popular in recent years.
Instagram engagement is more friendly where you can contact your friends and family. You can post a like, comment and even share on a specific post. People can share links and mention them in any posts which may attract you. The interface is attractive and well-developed when you compare it with other social media platforms. You can get likes, comments and sharing from the audience, and they can join you on live streaming.
When comparing Instagram Snapchat, direct messaging requires several swipes on Instagram, while you can update Snapchat messages with only a single swipe. Instagram will not tell you when someone removes his message after sending it. It makes you curious about the text and why he deleted it. Snapchat updates you when someone sends you a note and deletes it. Sometimes the simplicity is flawless.
Winner: Snapchat
Snapchat offers multiple features that are unbeatable. When using these unique filters like the dog filter on Snapchat, you do not like a dog but can move like one. You can move your tongue, which will appear like a dog tongue. Snapchat entertains filters with animations. You will also be offered reality effects. For example, you can show hot dogs dancing in your visuals and videos. The filters of Snapchat offer you glamorous skin tone, big eyes, and long eye-lashes.
Instagram is a newbie in filter technology. It offers only a few filters that are similar to Snapchat. The only advantage it reflects that you can see more power in designing as they look like new. The dog filter looks original and remarkable, with individual hairs on the face compared to Snapchat’s. Instagram cannot match the facts that Snapchat shows.
Winner: Snapchat
Snapchat advertisement is not growing because it provides no tool to show ads. You can expect to advertise on live stories, snap ads, featured sections and the making of traditional geo-filters. You can also make special lenses for your brand. According to analytics, these tools are not free. You must pay $19 per month to every Snapchat tool. It is risky because marketers are not satisfied with Snapchat advertisements. The platform deals with multiple companies and is struggling to develop commerce ability.
Undoubtedly, Instagram advertisement is the best compared to any other social platform. You can see multiple ads in the news feed and stories where there is a Sponsored tag. According to Klear, Instagram advertisement is growing every day. You will be amazed that almost 40% of people have purchased the product with only one visit. The other great benefit of an advertisement on Instagram is that the ads will not only be seen on Instagram, but you can see them on Facebook. It increases the product reach.
You can advertise on Instagram because it will cost you only $1, and your product will get more reach. But when it comes to Snapchat advertisements, you will be disappointed by the reach of the product, and it will cost you from $50,000 to $500,000.
Winner: Instagram
Stickers and Image Filters
Snapchat stickers are eye-catching. You can see an enormous amount of Bitmojis, emojis, and kinds of sparkles. You can add photo filters, but they are excellent when used, but it is not a big deal.
Using Stickers in your Instagram photos or stories will benefit you increasing the quality of the post. They are simple, designed with better sense, and on the spot. Instagram does not improve the add stickers feature because sometimes it is better to make it simple.
Winner: Everybody
Bottom Line
After evaluating multiple features, you can clearly say that Instagram is the winner. Instagram is world’s most famous social media platform which is growing enormously. Every day more than 95 million people post on Instagram, and your business can find it difficult to grow. However, you should try Snapchat to make awareness. The cost of advertisement is meager on Instagram as compared to Snapchat. People who want to grow their business mostly use Instagram. Instagram is 65% effective, and Snapchat is 35%. Ultimately, your business will tell where you should advertise, which kind of audience the company wants, etc.