
How to Improve the Deliverability of Your Ecommerce Newsletter

Poor email deliverability is the classic roadblock between you and your audience. According to Sendgrid’s email deliverability statistics, a whopping 21% of emails never make to the recipients’ mailboxes. That’s because many senders don’t follow email deliverability best practices.

If you can’t count on a good email deliverability rate, your contacts will never receive your emails. This means drastically reducing the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns to the point of making them catastrophic. Find out how to check email deliverability and boost customer engagement.

What is Email Deliverability?

Email deliverability is the fact that an e-mail sent arrives in the inbox of its recipient. This is what guarantees the success of your emailing campaigns.

As defined by ISPs, the deliverability rate measures only the percentage of sent emails that reach the recipient’s primary inbox, excluding those that land in spam.

However, the path traveled by e-mail before reaching its recipient is strewn with pitfalls. Indeed, it goes through several anti-spam filters, checks that the sender’s email address is not blacklisted, that previous deliveries have succeeded and analyzes the content of the email.

How to Track Your Newsletters’ Deliverability?

Email deliverability test must be carried out in order to optimize the deliverability rate of your newsletters and emails.


It’s a brilliant tool for examining particular emails and their content. You simply have one job – to send an email to an individual account you see on the screen and push the button. It is simple to do if you’re sending from an email client. With well-known email-sending platforms like MailChimp or Sendinblue, you may also test emails in this manner. You can send a email test to a given address when previewing a campaign. Pick the option that is displayed on your homepage.

You have a score ready after sending an email in a short while. Mail-tester looks into several issues that affect deliverability. It assesses the likelihood of spamming and offers suggestions for how to make improvements. It scans your domain for most prevalent authentication methods and reads the HTML code of your message, continuously looking for areas to improve. Finally, emailtester checks to see if your domain has recently been added to a blacklist, which could harm your chances.


Another great email tool tester deliverability allows you to study your emails without even logging in. You can email the tool’s homepage address to test it out, and you’ll receive the results within a few seconds.

GlockApps simulates sending emails using Postfix and two more email-sending services. The location of your email is then predicted. You can see that there are other possible issues besides spam.

The full reports that are accessible after registration are where GlockApps’ true power is hidden (only the first three are free).

Numerous helpful stats that you already know from the earlier tools are displayed. You may also examine how each performed since you sent emails to numerous domains located in various nations. When you are aware of the accounts that the bulk of your contacts use, it is very helpful. When precisely this message is delivered, this time to a genuine inbox, you can then anticipate how their customers would respond.

Is Your Email Deliverability OK?

Here’s a quick recap of what you need to watch out for to maintain a good email delivery rate:

  • email contacts of recipients: you should have collected them yourself by asking for explicit permission to be contacted. If you did it with a double opt-in, even better;
  • a low abandonment rate: the percentage of people who unsubscribe from your emails or newsletters;
  • a good open rate: according to Campaign Monitor, the percentage of emails opened out of the total emails sent in a single send should be between 15 and 25%;
  • a low bounce rate: as mentioned before, no more than 2%.

Monitoring these indicators will allow you to analyze why your emails seem to be blocked.
How to Improve Your Email Deliverability?

1. Make It Easy to Unsubscribe

Allowing your email subscribers to alter their minds is not just excellent form, but it’s also required by law.

There should be choices available for users to change their email preferences or unsubscribe from your newsletter. The opt-out process should simply take one click. However, the user is also given the choice to re-join the email list, with several options for how frequently to hear from them.

Your goal as the sender should be to raise engagement rates. Making an easy opt-out procedure ensures that your email list is current and pertinent. If someone doesn’t want to be on your list, don’t try to deceive them into staying there—it won’t help you.

2. Personalize Your Emails on a High Level

Before sending any email, the most crucial thing to consider is this, therefore be sure to proofread it for accuracy and appropriateness.

It is not enticing to open an email with the subject line “Make money today!” Is your message appropriate and relevant for your audience? To have the greatest impact, adjust your message to reflect the concerns of your audience.

3. Write Non-Spammy Subject Lines

Your email will be interpreted as spam if it has a spammy appearance. The subject line is most important in this case, besides the sender’s address. Avoid utilizing excessive capitalization, exclamation points, or other special characters. You can also use email spam checker.

Personalization is a good method to produce credible topic lines. Additionally, follow the guidelines for good copywriting by summarizing the email’s content quickly and concisely and refraining from making empty promises.

You can also use Folderly – an all-in-one email deliverability platform to supercharge your email performance. Locate, solve, prevent email deliverability pitfalls, and ensure that your emails reach the Inbox folder. And don’t neglect email spam checker tool.

Summing Up

To improve your deliverability, make sure you send emails with the right information to the right recipients at the right time and with an acceptable frequency.

ISP’s anti-spam filters decide based on different criteria whether the message will be deposited in the customer’s inbox or whether it will be redirected to the trash box of the customer. ISPs and webmails filter communications more and more finely by evaluating the commitment of recipients and the quality of the addresses requested. Opens or clicks have a positive effect on measured engagement, while complaints (click on “this is spam” for example) weaken an advertiser’s reputation.

Use mail tester to detect spam because how you treat your recipients, how you send your emails, and updating your mailing list regularly can all affect your sender reputation and email deliverability.

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik Technology geek by heart, blogger by passion, and founder of, He regularly explores ideas and ways how advanced technology helps individuals, brands and businesses survive and thrive in this competitive landscape. He tends to share the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the community built around Nogentech.

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