Web Hosting

Importance of Web Hosting For SEO

Does Web Hosting Affect SEO

When it comes to ranking higher in search engines, most SEO guides typically focus on properly done on-page optimization & getting quality backlinks. In this whole process of getting better SEO rankings for a website, the importance of web hosting for SEO is undervalued.

Undoubtedly, getting quality backlinkson-page SEO, and strong social signals are vital to securing high rankings in search engines. People usually don’t consider their web hosting in search engine optimization campaigns as the role of quality Web hosting in SEO is undeniable.

Since SEO plays a significant role in appearing at the top on search engine result pages, what if your website is not loading properly due to an inefficient hosting plan?

The web hosting provider you are using for your online store or website might be the major reason your web pages are not loading properly even after appearing in top SERPs.

Keep reading the article to understand the importance of web hosting for SEO and how it can improve your overall online presence!

Importance of Web Hosting For SEO

During search engine optimization to get a visible place for your web pages in search engines, web hosting is usually overlooked. Still, the role of quality Web hosting in search engine optimization is dynamic.

Here is how;

web hosting for SEO

#1 Continuous Uptime is Essential for Search Engine Optimization

Uptime can be defined as the time for which the server of the web hosting provider is up and the website is easily accessible. According to webmasters, quality web hosting provides its users maximum uptime so the web pages can be functional in search engines for more time.

Downtime is one of the things that can hurt your SEO rankings. Having too much downtime sounds like your website is unresponsive to search engines most of the time and search engine spiders are unable to crawl your web pages to help you get higher ranks.

Due to the more downtime, chances of reduced search engine ranking are also higher. That’s why you should always choose a quality web host to get more from your SEO efforts as well as to improve your online reputation.

#2 Website Loading Speed

Since making your web pages load faster is one of the proven website performance optimization tips, website loading speed is considered a vital ranking factor to improve the SEO ranking of a website or blog. In this era of technology and fast internet, people are no longer willing to wait for slow-loading websites to acquire the required details. They move immediately to another one if a website found loading its pages very slow.

No doubt, coding and content of the website can make it slow, but web hosting can also make your site slow for many reasons. Unavailability of the content delivery network (CDN) and not being optimized for your content management system are two major reasons that a web host can make your site slow. It will definitely hurt your SEO ranking in results. Always choose dedicated hosting plans at reasonable rates as Bluehost is providing to its users.

#3 Location

Do you believe that web host location can have a direct impact on your SEO rankings? Yes, it’s true!

If you are using a local web host as the home of your website on the web, it will rank in the same country faster but will perform slowly in the international market. Search engines are most likely to rank a website with an IP address in the same country.

That’s why, webmasters and SEO experts always suggest choosing a local hosting provider if you want to target the local audience. But if you’re going to target the US by living in another country, try to find a US-based quality web hosting provider that is best in providing international services.

# 4 HTTPS Protocol and SEO

Since Google has stated HTTPS or SSL is a vital ranking factor, more and more websites are moving toward HTTPS to protect user data. There are many other reasons why you need an SSL certificate for your website and maintaining customer data security is one of them.

Quality web hosting will always assist you to move your website from HTTP to HTTPS efficiently even without losing traffic and SEO ranking etc. You can contact the support team to get their specific SSL certificates to make your site secure for users.

#5 24/7 Technical support

You will definitely need to consult with the support team when your website goes down and get you into a panic situation. But what you will do if there are no suitable options to reach the support team immediately?

Your site will go down in the long run and your SEO ranking will also go down as result. That is the reason, you should always choose a web host with 24/7 technical support to help you get things in your favor without facing difficulties.

Some more reasons to elucidate the Importance of Web Hosting For SEO

  • Your web hosting provider should always be reliable and fast. Most of the users are always in a hurry and won’t wait for a slow-loading site. They will also not accept a site that is unavailable often.
  • Search engines like Google will not refer their users to slow loading and unsecured sites. That’s why your web hosting should be dedicated and fully supportive to help you move your site from HTTP to HTTPS.
  • If your target audience is local, you should go with a local web host to rank higher in search engines fast.
  • In simple words, the role of quality Web hosting in search engine optimization is imperative. You should choose reliable web hosting in order to boost SEO efforts to get solid SEO results in the end.

Concluding Note

Reliable web hosting is important for SEO. It can have a positive impact on website speed, security and up-time etc. All these things can improve your ranking in search engines.

When spending money on hiring SEO services, you should also assess your current hosting plan to check whether it is suitable for your website and the traffic load it may receive in the future.

Noman Sarwar

Noman Sarwar is highly experienced in creating engaging content that adds real value to a blog, website or brand. He is creating content for multiple niches like technology, SEO, Marketing, Health, Education and Career Development etc. Let the right words be offered to the audience in a great way that has the potential to ensure success and get something you are looking for.

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