How Will Mobile Page Speed Have an Effect on SEO?

Google has announced lately that the page speed is definitely going to be a ranking signal for mobile search beginning in July. This is something that the majority of search engine optimization pros have doubted for some time, and they are indeed glad and happy that it is now confirmed and Google has already started rolling out the mobile index, which puts mobile first.
For user experience, page speed is definitely one of the most vital factors. All those pages that take a long time to load will usually have higher bounce rates. Pages that are slow-loading can also have an adverse impact on the conversion rates because the end users won’t keep waiting for the pages to load.
Reasons to Care About Mobile Page Speed – How it Affects User Experience?
Since the time Google launched the mobile index and introduced the popular approach called mobile-first by dedicating the main index for mobile, page speed could become a single than a lightweight signal like HTTPs. Here are a few things which you can do to get ready.
Offers a very fulfilling content experience:
You have to prepare for the mobile index by ensuring that you’re offering the best content experience and have good quality content that satisfies the user’s intention. The path toward the purchase is fragmented and not linear. You should have content that satiates every stage of the user’s journey.
Make your website super fast:
You need to understand that your pages should load as fast as possible, probably within 1-2 seconds. Users will never sit and wait for the page to load as their attention span is extremely short. They will visit your page to find a viable solution to their problem, and if they have to wait, it is better to visit another page. Always remember that there are various other sites waiting to get a click apart from yours.
Use AMP as it is here to stay in the future:
Although AMP is not a ranking factor at present, it is definitely going to be one in the near future. In case you don’t wish to use AMP, there are many other ways to alleviate the speed of your website. Nevertheless, you should use AMP since the pages load too fast, and it could probably boost your conversions and find improved search engine ranks once AMP gets to hold the position of a ranking signal.
The site has to be mobile-friendly:
You can use tools like Gtmetrix and Page Speed Insights to closely examine the mobile page speed and ensure all the pages are pretty mobile-friendly. With the mobile-friendly approach of all search engines, it is vital to make your website mobile-friendly.
CTAs should be strong enough:
Although this might not be included in SEO, wouldn’t you wish to ensure that the users get a strong call to action as soon as they visit your website? In case your main intention for them is to download some brochure or perhaps some other action, make sure the user finds the CTA rather fast.
Now that the launch of the mobile-first index has been brought into effect and Google has stated that page speed is one of those most vital factors for mobile, it is high time you take these points into consideration. By following them, you can not only boost user experience but also boost conversions, drive more traffic and keep users on the site for a longer time.