How to Start a Computer Gaming Cafe?

A computer gaming cafe has a resemblance to an Internet café but here computer games are available. A gaming network is present in a computer gaming cafe and visitors here are allowed to play games online either on their own or against each other by paying the owner.
Setting up of a Computer Gaming Cafe:
Being the owner of a computer gaming cafe, visitors can be offered for playing different types of video games in your gaming cafe and it would help you in meeting people that share the same gaming enthusiasm as you. You would need a certain amount of money to establish your café and would have to follow some basic steps. Some basic technical knowledge for your gaming computers would help you through the process.

The hardware of the Gaming Cafe:
If you want to launch your computer gaming cafe smartly, you need to have gaming and personal computers in a one-half ratio both. A total of forty stations would be enough and the life of computer machinery should be from two to three years. The time allowed for gamers is controlled by a special server computer.
License for a variety of games:
You will need to get a license for all the computers on which you want to run games. If you would use 100 computers for games, you need to get them licensed. A software named License key management is here for your rescue. It would help in lowering the license price.
Gaming speed:
For the loading of games and their downloading purpose, a famous internet service called T1 is the best as its speed is very good and can support a maximum of sixty stations at a time.
Rent for playtime:
In the start, you would need to lower your gaming rates for getting more customers attracted to your gaming cafe such as five dollars for one hour or you can give them a discount like twelve dollars for a period of three hours. It would want the customers to play here longer.
Additional services:
You can add various other services to your computer gaming café to get extra income such as you can make some aesthetic rooms and decorating them for allowing customers to celebrate their birthdays there. Or you can provide the cafe service there and people would order food while they play and it would you in getting more profit from your gaming cafe. The menu should be simple and the café should not be named something else as it would need you to register for the cafe. You can add the feature of buying and selling games here in your computer gaming cafe.
Your hardware should be of good quality and it would guarantee a long time journey in your computer gaming café and would not let your customers run off to your competitors. For the hardware part, take care of the following things:
- GPU is the most important part. The objects viewed on a monitor, their view is controlled by GPU, and your GPU which is a graphic programming unit should be fast in all the machines that you intend to use for your computer gaming network. It would help you a lot in displaying your games on the screen and would improve the results on your computer screens.
- Screens: Your computer screens are the main factor that decides what would be the result on your computer gaming café machines as screen size decides the view. Small screens wouldn’t give a desirable view. So, you should install large screens so viewers can enjoy the best view even from a farther distance.
- Resolution: This quality of your screens in addition to screen size is a key element in deciding the view. Smaller screens mean lower resolution and vice versa. So, always keep this factor in mind.
Game consoles:
Players on the basis of their preferences would want to play games either on pc or on game consoles. Not all the games running on consoles would be available on pc. So, installing game consoles would help in increasing your customer number. It would also avoid the hackers in your installed games as to hack games on consoles seems a difficult task to them.
Buy headphones:
You need to not compromise on the quality of your headsets. Gamers do not want any distraction while playing games as any type of noise would distract them from focusing and they would lose their concentration. Get headsets of the best quality for your gaming cafe.
Get the right software:
You need to have basic knowledge of the software for all the games you want to run in your cafe. Choice of perfect software is a must that would be easy to handle.
Your operating system should be the best. The most useful operating system used in gaming cafes so far is Windows 10 as it works best for pc and consoles. Some operating systems give you the advantage for games that are played on consoles as they are built.
Look for the best antivirus and keep it updated:
Your computer games are the target of different viruses that would facilitate hackers in getting access to your personal information such as information about your credit card anything that they can manipulate and use. Regularly update the antivirus soft wares in your pc to avoid losing your data and protecting your games. You should go for that antivirus software that has gaming mode and is available for online use.
Take notice of Drivers:
The performance of your hardware and your system is detected by drivers. Installing updated drivers is a must with the help of your graphic cards and keep them updated.
Internet connection:
For playing online games, gamers need a stable internet connection to keep track of their scores, and the scores of their competitors. It is only possible when you have the best speed internet connection in town.
Work on updates:
For the best performance of gamers, you need to keep a record of updates and these updates are available for software, operating systems, and antivirus software.

Experienced technician:
To avoid all the unexpected circumstances, you need to hire a full-time technician at your computer gaming cafe as in case of any loss of data or default in the system, he should be here for the rescue.