Google Adwords

How to Create Landing Pages for Your Google Ads Account

You can make good money through contextual advertising, but in order to succeed it is important to take into account a number of features of its creation. You may have an excellent SEM account with many keywords and a fantastic click-through rate (CTR), but if there is no quality landing page you will not be able to increase the price per click. With this guide, UAWC specialists will help you to create really effective landing pages for Google Ads PPC advertising, taking into account the following nuances of Google Ads.

1. Establish your goals

Of course, before you start doing anything, you need to clearly understand what you expect to get as a result. This rule is also relevant when creating quality landing pages. Among the possible marketing goals are successful sales, filling out forms, subscriptions, or registration in mailing lists. It is necessary to understand what is important for you.  

After you decide what you want to achieve by means of your campaigns and advertising groups, you may start analyzing your competitors. By reviewing the landing pages of your competitors, you can find inspiration and understand which is the best practice for optimizing a landing page for Google Ads.

Alternatively, you can contact a good Google Ads agency to help you with everything from optimizing landing pages to keyword research, conversion tracking, and PPC campaign optimization.

2. Consider your target market

Always analyze in detail who may be viewing your landing page. It’s important to consider demographics, actual location, and especially interests. Google Ads management, like any other kind of online advertising, necessitates proper audience research.

3. How did they get to your page

You should not use the same advertising message in social networks, or email newsletters and duplicate it on your page. The content on the landing page must be relevant to the ad leading to it and expand on the ad’s message.

4. Create dedicated landing pages for each ad group 

For best results, each ad group should have its own landing page, but there isn’t always the time and resources to do this. Don’t give up right away, however! Start with one landing page for each campaign, and when you have time to create a new one, add it, gradually turning your ad groups into separate landing pages.

5. Don’t lead traffic to your home page

Most people don’t want to put a lot of effort into getting the results they want, which is something to keep in mind when creating landing pages for Google. The more actions you make them do, the less likely you are to increase conversions. In the output, this means fewer registrations, fewer sales, and less of your direct earnings. 

Don’t try to drive people straight to your homepage – try to direct traffic to a more optimized page for successful conversions.

6. Optimize your landing pages for conversions

Google Smart campaigns help to highlight all the benefits of your business in order to attract more customers. So, you can create one online campaign or run several at once to showcase different products or services. Either way, the landing pages optimization properly. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

  1. Page clarity. The landing page should be concise and short, with no unnecessary text. Visitors should get exactly what they are looking for from the first seconds. 
  2. Make it easy for your traffic to convert. The main goal of a landing page is to build trust and convert traffic. 
  3. Avoid  “interrogating” your visitors. Only ask for the information that is most important to you, which will increase your credibility and therefore your conversion rates. 
  4. Try using clear calls to action, along with arrows and attractive text. Based on your specific marketing goals, you can leave your phone number at the top of the page, add a form directly to the page, or allow online customers to make a purchase. 

By researching your target audience well, you can also use persuasive copywriting techniques, and “strong words” always set your visitors up for the action you want.

7. Create stunning content for your landing page

As we already mentioned, the content of your landing page is what ultimately decides whether a visitor will convert or not. Here are some of the things you should keep in mind when writing your landing page’s copy:


A headline is the first thing a visitor sees after they make their landing. In fact, it is often the only thing they will read. It should grab attention and tempt them to stay on your landing page. However, you should also keep your creativity in check – while an original headline will certainly make you stand out among the competition, it is more important for it to be simple and clear. You don’t want your visitors wondering if they actually came to the right place.

Use strong, emotional language:

The copy on your landing page should push the benefits of your products and services as much as possible. Play to the user’s emotions: create a fear of missing out by highlighting the limited time of your offer (sale ends [next day of the week], limited offer, last chance), build trust and dispel uncertainty (cancel at any time, free refunds, no hidden fees), etc.

High-quality images:

Whether you are dealing in products or services, high-quality images are a must. They will help you convey the value you can offer your customers and show them that you put thought and effort into your image and brand. However, do keep in mind that simply using high-resolution photos might not be enough – make sure your page is not slowed down by them.

Bullet lists:

Anything that makes your page easier to read increases the chances of conversion, bullet lists included. Also, put the most important text you want your users to see in bold.


Your landing page should work well on all devices if you don’t want to lose customers. Do not only test your pages with the high-speed Wi-Fi in your office – but also test them using the internet speeds your customers will have access to on the go in your region.

8. Always Be Testing – “Coffee is for closers”

Glengarry Glen Ross is a cult classic among salesmen that is worth watching for anyone planning to make steady sales. The acronym A.B.C. (Always-Be-Closing) and the quote “Coffee is for closers” should always be in your mind when doing business online. 

Simply put, your landing page is your last chance to close the deal, but unlike more conventional offline sales, it’s very difficult to reach a certain level of flexibility online to try out different traditional methods of influencing the buyer. 

In this reality, the slightly modified expression A.B.T. (Always-Be-Testing) will become more relevant. Google ads landing page optimization will be easier if you start testing your ad text and landing pages with separate tools like Google Experiments (Website Optimizer). You can use it to change and test individual variables: headlines, images, main text, and calls to action, and do so evenly and over a long period of time.

9. Avoid Common mistakes during testing

The biggest mistakes that are not hard to spot in testing are time constraints. Don’t stop after just one test, they should work for a long time. Be patient and gather as much information as possible about the best ads and landing page mistakes. You can then use this data to set up additional tests against the “winner” and thus find the best solution for yourself. The best PPC landing page examples will help you better figure out what is right for you.

10. Allow visitors to share

Feedback from customers who have already ordered a product always has a much stronger effect on the audience than classic advertising slogans. Make it easy for your clients to leave reviews or share their experiences with others, attracting new people. All you need to do is add links to all kinds of social media where a lot of people see the ads. The most successful companies in the world are already making a profit doing this, so why don’t you follow their example? If you have never worked with social networks, it is worth using the help of professionals, for example, contacting a Facebook Ads agency.

11. Other Landing Page Considerations

There are also a few more nuances that are very important when creating an ideal Google Ads landing page:

  • Don’t forget about mobile optimization (the page should be easy to view from any gadget because many people use smartphones);
  • Set up conversion tracking (make sure you’re following it correctly, clearly understanding where the important sales and leads are coming from).

Every company has different marketing techniques, but at the end of the day, everyone wants to make a profit. Only by following the most effective practices can you lower your price per click and increase your cash flow. If you don’t have time to get into all the nuances, we can help with this.

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik Technology geek by heart, blogger by passion, and founder of, He regularly explores ideas and ways how advanced technology helps individuals, brands and businesses survive and thrive in this competitive landscape. He tends to share the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the community built around Nogentech.
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