Beginner’s Guide: How to Create a Video Presentation Online for Free

Are you looking for the finest video presentation software to use for your next project? It’s tough to select the best choice when there are so many! To be successful in marketing, you must have a great presentation video. Professional video editing tools require excellent video production abilities, yet spectacular results may be achieved without an Oscar-winning editor.

Fortunately, SOOMUS allows you to make stunning video presentations. From animated explainer films to educational webinars, we’ve got you covered. Apart from SOOMUS, there are several persuasive presentation producers out there. But the question arises of how to create a video presentation online for free. Don’t FRET we have got you covered.

This article provides information about presentation video maker software and everything you need to know about it. So let’s start by learning about video presentations.

What is Video Presentation

A video presentation is a typical kind of multimedia presentation with a few seconds or minutes that uses attractive visual pictures, concise text, and suitable narration to demonstrate the advantages of a product, company, or any concept. They’re used for everything in the corporate world, from advertising and generating consumer leads to good onboarding workers, B2B interactions, and even presenting a company at exhibitions and conferences.

For Example:

  1. Fully animated explainer videos
  2. Screencasts     
  3. product presentations
  4. PowerPoint slides narrated by a talking head

These are all examples of video presentations. In the end, the format you choose is entirely up to you.

Why Make a Video Presentation

Video presentations are more attractive than a traditional cut-and-dry presentation since they:

  1. Appealing:

 With audio-visual storytelling, multimedia presentations are better equipped to convince their target audience, including emotions, images, and music into the mix.

  • Improved memory retention:

 Viewers recall 95% of a message in video format, compared to 10% when viewing it in text format. As a result, educators often use video presentations as part of the digital narrative idea or when pre-installing fresh instructional content.

  • It is possible to access it at any time and from any location:

People like spending time in front of screens and tablets, especially watching videos. Mobile phones and tablets are used to watch 75% of all videos.

  • It saves time.

The purpose of video presentations is to allow the presenter to break down the material into smaller, more readily digestible pieces. This enables viewers to process more significant quantities of data more quickly and easily.

Best Video Presentation Software Online For Free

Are you looking for the best video presentation software free download? Don’t panic; we’ve got you covered in the realm of fantastic free video editing software with SOOMUS. It’s also a free video recording software for presentations that allows you to create animated films. This video presentation maker is free, and it allows you to build any professional presentation with ease.


  1. using its built-in functionality, or you can simply upload any of your PowerPoint presentations into the program and generate beautiful frames for your video presentation using its user-friendly UI.
  2. Tons of templates are available on SOOMUS to help you make your video presentation more attractive and exciting. Everything just dragged and dropped, and all you have to do now is choose your preferred template and apply it to your presentation.
  3. Other video-conferencing applications, such as Zoom, Skype, Lark, Discord, and others, are compatible with SOOMUS. It works with this popular program to provide you with a pleasant workout experience while using our software.

Tips For Making Video Presentation

Now, I will provide you with some tips for making a video presentation. iSpring Suite is a simple video recording software for a presentation that lets you build a video presentation in a matter of minutes. With subtitles, effects, and far more, you can create a video that seems even more sophisticated with the built-in video editor. If you don’t have iSpring Suite yet, you can get it for free and install it immediately now on your computer. Here are the five stages you must follow to create a video presentation.

Step 1. Add a video narration

In PowerPoint, open your presentation. Then choose Manage Narration from the iSpring Suite menu.

Step 2: Watch the video to the slides.

The sync procedure is straightforward. Simply put the cursor where you want the sync to start and press the Sync option on the toolbar.  To exit the Sync mode, click Done after you’ve done. Then, in the upper-left corner, press the Save & Close button.

Step 3: In the slide properties, change the layouts.

Select the desired layout for a particular slide from the drop-down selection in the Layout column.

Step 4: Make your player template unique.

Select the Universal or Video Lecture player from the product ribbon by clicking on the player.

Step 5: Make your video presentation public.

Click the My Computer icon from the left-hand menu in the Export Presentation box. Please enter a title for the presentation and a location to be stored in the Local folder.


In this article, you will find everything you need to know about video presentation. Ranging from best video presentation editing software download to guide on using it, everything is mentioned here.

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik Technology geek by heart, blogger by passion, and founder of, He regularly explores ideas and ways how advanced technology helps individuals, brands and businesses survive and thrive in this competitive landscape. He tends to share the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the community built around Nogentech.

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