Affiliate Marketing

How To Choose An Affiliate Offer: Tips For Beginners

Seasoned affiliates know very well that the success of the whole advertising campaign hinges upon the choice of an offer itself. Novice affiliates may be overwhelmed by the variety of offers in arbitrage. It can be difficult to determine which offers are the most profitable.

This article will explain how to choose the right affiliate offer and provide tips to help beginners understand arbitrage and its peculiarities.

You should take a closer look at what you need to pay attention to before choosing an offer and promoting it:

  • Vertical: adult, gambling, finance, consumer goods. The choice will depend primarily on the affiliate’s personal interests and knowledge.
  • Quality of landing, creatives. It is important to note that the higher the quality and originality of the picture, the more leads it can generate.
  • The price of the product. The quality of a product should correspond to its price. Additionally, consider that there will always be a greater demand for cheaper products.
  • GEO. The advertiser selects the countries where the offer can be promoted. It is crucial to analyse and evaluate the competition among affiliates and the relevance of the product in the specific geographic location. For instance, potency products perform better in Tier-2 and Tier-3 countries, where conversion rates are higher and traffic is cheaper.
  • KPIs and conversion type. Advertisers use specific key performance indicators to analyse lead quality, as well as the type of conversion and the funnel, which represents the consumer’s path from advertising to action.
affiliate marketing

It is important to determine how to interact with an affiliate network and which offer to choose in a specific vertical. Working with a CPA network that provides a variety of products and services is easiest:

  • Consumer goods. Products that are always in high demand among consumers.
  • Sweepstakes. The opportunity to participate in a raffle and win prizes always attracts a large number of people.
  • Dating. Online dating verticals are always popular because people are eager for romance, relationships or just friendship. 
  • Nutra. Everyone desires to be healthy and attractive. The vertical offers these products to affiliates for promotion, presenting excellent earning opportunities due to high demand.

Experienced affiliates have shared that there are essentially two approaches to selecting traffic sources:

  1. First we choose the offer, then we determine the traffic.
  2. Traffic first, then we tailor the offer.

For beginners, the second option is easier to work with. It allows you to quickly assess the quality of traffic and user behaviour, and select the best offer based on these criteria.

Depending on your traffic sources, you should use different offers. For instance:

  • Teasers are best suited to consumer goods. The price of clicks will be low, and the number of views will reach up to a thousand.
  • Native advertising is also suitable for consumer goods. The user leaves a request without even realising it.
  • Context, social networks are universal and will be suitable for everything. However, it is worth remembering that there are restrictions 18+.
  • Popunder is good for installs, sweepstakes and dating. Users come, see, and want.

SEO is also a universal option, but the competition is quite intense

Where to Get Arbitrage Offers: Tips On Choosing An Affiliate Network 

When searching for offers in CPA networks, it is essential to take into account the conversion rate, the rate and the percentage of confirmation of the advertising offer, as this method is the safest for affiliates. Beforehand, it is worth analysing the reputation of the affiliate network, which can be easily researched via the Internet. Pay attention to:

  • Network description;
  • Testimonials on cooperation;
  • Independent reviews.

A possible solution is to analyse the working conditions in various affiliate networks for a single offer and then select the most profitable one. 

TerraLeads is a rapidly growing CPA network that expands into new regions every year, despite global economic challenges. Those new to affiliate marketing and interested in the nutra vertical should familiarise themselves with the network’s features and functions to gain a precise understanding:

  • High payouts. The CPA network offers higher payouts as it is a direct advertiser. Additionally, an affiliate network provides various convenient withdrawal methods, allowing everyone to choose the best option for themselves.
  • High conversion rate. TerraLeads uses only advanced technologies, which allows you to achieve a fairly high conversion rate.
  • Target pages. CPA network specialists develop and provide pre-approved landing pages for affiliates to optimise their work on Facebook and Google Ads.
  • Support. Managers of the affiliate network are ready to provide counselling and support to each of their affiliates.
  • Quality products. Working with the network ensures that you do not have to worry about the quality of your goods. Every product is absolutely safe and meets all quality standards. All products undergo a series of clinical trials and tests to prove their safety and efficacy before being launched.
  • Training materials. TerraLeads only collaborates with qualified specialists. Our affiliates have access to training materials to develop their skills.
  • Marketing materials. The affiliate network provides a wide range of pre-made marketing materials, such as landing pages and banners. These resources enable our partners to work efficiently and concentrate on other aspects of their advertising campaigns.
  • In-house call centres. In every country where the CPA network is represented, there are call centres staffed by native speakers. These call centres utilise unique scripts to bring the customer order form to the checkout as efficiently as possible.

Advertiser TerraLeads offers optimal conditions for cooperation to its partners, allowing even beginners in affiliate marketing to understand all the nuances and profit from arbitrage.

Affiliate offer selection is an important stage in promoting an advertising campaign. Those new to affiliate marketing should study tips on selecting offers beforehand and then evaluate how to competently build a marketing strategy to achieve high performance.

Lastly, here are a few tips that will help beginners: at the beginning of the journey, it is best to avoid complex offers, even if they generate decent payouts. It is best to prioritise simple and comprehensible proposals that are comfortable to work with and require reasonable skill to implement. Experience is key, and only after some time working can one acquire the capabilities to conquer new heights.

Toby Nwazor

Toby Nwazor is a Tech freelance writer and content strategist. He loves creating SEO content for Tech, SaaS, and Marketing brands. When he is not doing that, you will find him teaching freelancers how to turn their side hustles into profitable businesses

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