Common SmartPhone Problems and How to Fix Them

Advanced mobile technology makes our lives easier and effective. But sometimes, we face common issues and problems with smartphones that make the situation stressful. Thankfully, most common smartphone problems have relatively easy and simple fixes that you can perform yourself without visiting a repair expert. However, this will not always be the case and you may need to visit the mobile repairing shop if common cell phone solutions don’t do magic for you.
In this article, I have listed some common smartphone problems and how to fix them yourself even without leaving your home.
Poor Battery Life
Poor battery life is one of the common smartphone problems that happens to everyone. There are so many things that can affect the life of the battery of your cell phone and you can increase the battery life by taking them into account. Turn the auto screen brightness feature on to save a big deal of power and keep your phone up for hours. You should also turn the GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth off if you are not using them. Enabling battery saving mode is another best way to manage bad battery life as it helps you save battery by turning all the useless options off automatically. You can also check the battery usage option in the setting to find out which apps are consuming more power so you can turn them off to keep your phone charged for longer.
Full Storage Space
Almost all smartphone users are fervent about keeping their favorite images, audio, videos, and important documents safe on their devices although they don’t need them anymore. It can end up with full or low storage space to keep important documents, files, or photos. Unnecessary apps, images, videos, and other files occupy a lot of phone storage that can be used for useful and important files. When you are suffering from a low storage space problem, you should go through your file manager to check if there are files and documents you should delete immediately to free up some storage. Delete all the useless files on your phone and uninstall apps that you are not using anymore. Cleaning cache data can also help you free up some internal storage to keep important files safe. If there is anything important and useful on your phone, you should invest in a reliable cloud storage option to move all your data over there from your mobile to resolve the full storage space issue.

Charging Port Not Working
Nothing is permanent and long-lasting in this world and your smartphone is not an exception. The charging port of your mobile phone tends to deteriorate with the passage of time. Rough use and dirt particles are the main reasons for charging port deterioration. If you are unable to recharge your phone due to this reason, you should try some basic things before you visit an expert to get the issue resolved. Clean the charging port of your device with a dry toothbrush to get rid of dirt and other pollutants. The use of a dry cotton swab is another best way to clean the charging area of your phone to remove dust and other particles that don’t allow the charging ports to charge your phone properly. If it doesn’t work, you should visit an expert to make things work properly.
Frozen and Slow User Interface
When there is no more free storage on your phone, it is unable to function properly and begins to slow down. In this situation, you should remove all the unnecessary data, files, and apps from your phone to get some free space and enable your phone to work properly. The use of live wallpaper also makes your smartphone slower, so avoid it. Clearing cache files is also useful to make your phone faster. You can also install cleaning apps like cache cleaner or clean master to get rid of all useless files in a single tap.
Connectivity Problems
Most people face connectivity issues with their smartphones and are unable to connect WiFi, Bluetooth, or mobile data. If you are also facing the same issue, just turn the Airplane mode on for 30 seconds and turn it off. Try to connect again and hopefully you will get the issue resolved. If you are still facing the issue, you should try to reset the settings and connect your device again.

Overheating is one of the common smartphone issues as most of the devices can get really warm while you are using them. In order to prevent smartphone overheating problems, try not to use your device when you are charging. Also, don’t use high CPU-sucking applications for longer to keep the temperature of your device normally. Give your phone regular breaks to prevent it from getting warm. If you are using your phone normally but it still gets warm, you should visit an expert to get the issue fixed.