Basics Of An Effective SEO Strategy

If you are in a content business and searching for Basics of an effective SEO strategy then you are searching for, what we call, O2 (oxygen) tank for your website.
SEO is actually search engine optimization that means, how many times your site will be visited by how much people; to be listed at top of Google searches.
As, to earn bulks, your sites need to have traffic!!!
Anyhow, what I wrote above was an old idea regarding SEO strategies and now the scenario has completely changed.
Google has transformed its algorithms and now to reach the top position, you will have to go through some challenges.
You would be thinking that I have got a small business and limited resources, maybe I can’t afford the top most rank; well you are wrong; go through my Basics of an effective SEO strategy guide and read every way by using which you can improve yours google-ranking.
Correct use of Free-Tools
A number of platforms offer you to build websites and they also offer you some tools regarding management of your site.
As these tools are offered for free so, we often believe them useless; this is wrong. These free tools actually allow you to keep an eye on the traffic in-sights of your website.
Such as, how many people are visiting you every day and which content on your site has the most views. In this way, you are able to increase your focus on the top visited categories of your site and get more and more people for visit.
Relationship-Building instead of Link-Building
Link building is an old thought and now Google has become wiser and changed its SEO algorithms regarding this strategy as well.
Now if you will post irrelevant links, people visiting you may consider it a scam hence only go to related websites that have common contents like you.
In this way, only relevant audience will visit you and so your bond with the traffic on your site will get stronger and no doubt, traffic on your site will increase in a trustful manner.
Keep an Eye of changing SEO strategies
As I stated earlier, Google algorithms are changing rapid fast hence to keep up with the latest trends, you will have to keep an eye on these changes.
How to do it? Well, there is no biggest source of information other than internet but make sure to visit legitimate websites such as Google’s own blogs. Bookmark such sites; and if possible, turn the notifications onso you get pinged, whenever something new is posted.
Don’t Play with Google
Google is the wiser most internet search engine and fooling it with spammed traffic can lead you towards blockage of your website and once your site has blocked, you will lose not just the traffic but every content strategy you made over it.
Thus I am advising you; Don’t try to play with Google!!
Be relevant and remain at the top of search engines… This may take time but good things are for those who wait!