BusinessContent Marketing

5 Benefits Quality Content Can Have For Your Online Presence

Digital marketing has reached a point where the content you create must be high quality. In light of Google’s recent helpful content update, businesses maintaining websites must now aim higher than ever before. Furthermore, target audiences are getting more savvy — refusing to be pandered to and expecting genuine, authentic, authoritative messaging. So, now that you know your online content must be quality, you’re wondering what you get out of it all.

1. You Raise Awareness 

If you even hope to be ranked on Google’s first page, you better be producing high-quality writing and visuals. That’s practically the only way to get clicks and boost awareness. And that’s the point of blogging, creating videos, and posting to your social media accounts, after all, right? You want to be found by your target audience so they can realize they need your products and services. Leaving it all up to ChatGPT or some other AI program may sound like the easy way out, but in some cases it will get you exiled to the far reaches of the Internet where no one will find you.

Any good growth marketing agency will tell you that the higher the quality of your content the more likely you are to rank higher on Google. That high ranking will get more eyes on your blogs, videos, and posts, and the more eyes you get, the more people learn about your brand. Raising awareness like this means when people think of your industry, they think of you in the same way coffee equals Starbucks and cereal equals Kellogg’s. You want to be the first brand that comes to mind because that means more people will come to you.

2. You Generate Trust

But you want more than just awareness, of course. Think about it, you can raise awareness in entirely the wrong ways. Negative experiences and feedback from just a handful of people can create a scandal a budding business may never recover from. Even major corporations like Walmart, Chick-fil-A, and Anheuser Busch suffer from the wrong kind of attention after they make one unpopular decision.

That’s why you want quality content, so you don’t leave a bad taste in your target customer’s mouth. Instead, you leave them feeling good about your mission, your vision, and your values. Your quality content can reveal how you put your customers first. With well-researched and written blogs on the right topics, excellent videos that show your clients why they should love you, and fresh, relevant social media posts, you’ll gain a following. And when you build trust with your audience, you can build brand loyalty for generations.

3. You Attract Visits to Your Website

Now, if you create consistently high-quality content, your audience is more likely to come back to see your latest content. Content creation is a never ending game. After all, you don’t want to create one great video that people love, laugh at, or think about, and then forget all about within minutes. It happens all the time. One video goes viral, tons of people follow the account or subscribe to the site, and within weeks they lose interest, unfollow, and unsubscribe. You want to keep up the momentum.

The best way to keep visitors coming back for more is by producing great content that delivers value. When they laugh or learn something, you will have them visiting your website, subscribing, and sharing your posts with others. The National Park Service is a great example of this. Their account has almost six million followers on Instagram — not because people love nature but because their content is amazing! One of their most recent posts advises people to “Believe in yourself like visitors who believe they can pet a bison.” It’s funny and relevant, and because it makes people laugh, they come back for more.

4. You Convert Sales

Still, the end game of even the most honorable for-profit business is to generate sales. You want loyal customers, visitors, and followers to convert those visits into sales. The National Park Service doesn’t have to worry about that, of course, but you probably do. Without great content these days, you are unlikely to get anyone to click the button that leads to your shop, much less add anything to their cart and checkout. 

Great content raises awareness, builds trust, and gets more visits to your website precisely to convert visits into sales. It is for this reason above all else that you must consistently generate high-quality content aimed at your target audience that is on topic with their needs. When your potential clients feel seen and valued by you, they are more likely to turn to you when they are ready to make the purchase. 

5. You Win Word of Mouth

Finally, those clients who have subscribed and bought your products and services and are still here raving about the experience are the ones who will spread the word to their circle of influence. Then, the sales funnel begins again. And if, when those newcomers arrive at your website ready to be wowed, if you don’t have updated great stuff for them to read and watch, you stand to lose a potential client. 

Any business in the digital marketing world today must be constantly on its metaphorical toes. You’ve got to have great blogs, videos, and social media posts that speak to your existing clientele and anybody new who comes along looking for more information. Ensure your content is clear on your positioning statement: Who is your customer, and what do you do for them? Then, when you deliver on that repeatedly, your clients will start advertising for you. 

Final Words

High-quality content is non-negotiable in the digital marketing space today. Fortunately, it isn’t difficult to create with a good marketing team genuinely interested in your success. And if you’re wondering if it’s worth carving out a chunk of your budget for marketing, just look at your competition. It’s all but guaranteed they’re marketing the heck out of their products and services to get your potential customers. You don’t want to just stand by and let them win.

Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading content marketing agency that makes the world's ideas simple, visual, and influential. Brian has been named a Google Small Business Advisor for 2016-present, joined the SXSW Advisory Board in 2019-present and became an SMB Advisor for Lexmark in 2023. He is the lead organizer for The Innovate Summit scheduled for May 2024.

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